Author Archive: lucyannerichardson

Production Log 25.01.12

Today, out targets were:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of primary research techniques.

2. Individual Targets – Writing Skills

Our tasks included:

1. Individual Research

2. Questionnaire, presentations, blog entries.

Today, I finished my magazine questionnaire which enabled me to go around my college and ask my people to complete my questionnaire.To make it easier, I made a separate sheet so I can make a tally instead of writing on the actual sheet. When I had 18 people complete it, I then came back to the MAC computer to create the graphs. I created the graphs and charts on Numbers and managed to get the majority of the questions completed.

Music Magazine Questionnaire

I had trouble with creating the charts as I have never used Numbers before so now I have an extended knowledge which will help me complete this and for the future.

I chose to use pie charts as well as bar graphs so I had a wider variety and it would be easier to understand. After I understood how to use Numbers correctly, it was quite easy to create the rest. Overall, I completed the research and questionnaire so I will complete the presentation at another date.

Production Log 20.01.12

Our targets for today included:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of primary research techniques

2. Individual Target: Writing Skills

Our tasks included:

– Individual Research

– Questionnaire

Today, we had to conduct individual research into our questionnaire. I did this by looking at existing magazines to see how they laid it out, what colours they used, what fonts and images. This helped me to get inspiration for the kind of look I wanted to get.

We then created a questionnaire in Pages on the MAC computers. I asked questions on their age, gender, interests and which kind of magazine layouts they preferred.

In the future, I will read through my questionnaire and see if it is fit for purpose; if not, i will rearrange it and make sure it is appropriate.

However, I progressed on my individual target by writing a short introduction discussing the purpose and aim.

Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas – Music Magazine

Initial Ideas

Initial Ideas – Music Magazine

Production Log 18.01.12

My targets for today were:

1. Be able to demonstrate significant progress with production work.

2. Individual target which is – Apply an evaluative approach to all written work including textual analyses, essays, diary entries and other prose.

Tasks for today include:

– Individual Research, Reports, Presentations and blog entries.

Today, I completed a mind map of genres within the music industry. For example, Country, Pop, R ‘n’ B or Rock. I then chose three genres that I liked in another mind map and listed sub groups such as the target audience, house style, features to include, life style and images to include. I then created a powerpoint presentation in Keynotes on the MAC computers. Once this was complete, I showed my three different ideas to three of my peers and they gave me feedback. I then created another slide explaining the feedback I got. Lastly, I made the final decision of what magazine I wanted to do; I chose Country Music.

I did it this way so it would be easier to show my peers my ideas instead of lists that could bore them. It also helps me as I have gotten creative ideas and inspiration from the research I have done.

Today, I learnt how to research certain topics appropriately. I learnt that all different genres of music have such a wide range of audiences and even though I’m not a fan of some types of music, many people are so I can now appreciate more opinions which I can then put into my magazine. Next time, I would put more thought into the mind maps so it gave me more help when it came to actually doing the presentation.

Production Log 19.10.11

Targets for today were to demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions and to be able to evaluate my own media product.

The tasks I did in order to complete my target were:

1. Complete all work.

2. Upload all work to the blog and make sure they are under the relevant categories.

I completed the tasks by having a tick list of what I had completed and whether I had uploaded it to a blog or not.

I went through all my work such as Initial Ideas, Questionnaire, Audience Analysis, Skeleton layout, front cover practise, final design, development diary, content skeleton layout and evaluation.

I had already completed all work so I just needed to finish my evaluation.


Now that all of my work is completed and uploaded to the blog, I can now go through and check all dates and links work correctly.

Production Log 12.10.11

My target for today was Demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions. The tasks I had to complete in order to achieve my target were:

1. Finish front cover of college magazine.

2. Finish Development diary of college front cover.

3. Do a ‘skeleton’ page for the contents page of the magazine.

I had already done most of the front cover last lesson so I didn’t have to do much today. I added in a strapline and a coverline as I felt it was appropriate. My front cover of the college magazine is now complete.

I also managed to complete the ‘skeleton’ contents page. It was the same initial idea’s as the previous skeleton page I created but instead, it is for the contents instead of the front cover. I used rectangles to show where I would place certain things such as the Images or Title. I stuck to the dark green colour so it would match with the front cover.

As I went along with creating the front cover, I was also creating a development diary which consists of a step by step explanation and evaluation of the magazine. I included print screens of everything to help me explain my points.

Development Diary






Production Log 05.10.11

Today, my target today was to demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions.

The tasks I had to do in order to complete my targets were:

1. Practice front cover

2. Do College magazine front cover

3. Start on my development diary.

I did the first task by creating a music/TV programme magazine about ‘Glee’ by using Photoshop.

I then started on my real college magazine front cover by using the skills I had learnt previously from practice covers. Lastly, I started a development diary in which I explained the first steps I had to take to start the cover.

Today, I improved my knowledge of how to use the MAC computers, Photo shop and the general layout of a magazine cover and what it involves. I could improve by making my cover look more professional.

Production Log 28.09.11

Today, my target’s were to demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions. Also, to demonstrate the ability to use specialist software to design a magazine cover.

My tasks were to create a front cover ‘skeleton’ layout and to practice a front cover of a magazine.

I achieved my targets by completing the above tasks. I read through the ‘Adobe Photoshop Basics’ booklet to have more of an understanding of how to use Photoshop as it is alien to me.

I created a front cover ‘skeleton’….

I now know how to use photoshop and the skills/effects to make it look more professional.

Production Log – 21.09.11

Today, 21st September 2011, I was set a target to ‘Demonstrate an understanding of primary research’. Primary research generally means my own research.

To achieve this target, I had two tasks to carry out. This included the completion of a questionnaire and to analyse two magazines.

The questionnaire involved me using the Mac computers to create my own questionnaire as a research task for my upcoming magazine. I made up twelve questions to ask my fellow peers about what they would expect from the magazine I am making. An example of one of my questions is ‘How much would you be willing to pay for the College magazine? 50p, 70p or £1.00.

College Magazine Questionnaire

I then analysed two college magazines from Google Images.

SMU College Answers

SMU College Answers

I did both of these tasks to develop my research skills, analysis skills including textural analysis and to further knowledge in creating a magazine.