Category Archives: Construction

Production Log 12.10.11

My target for today was Demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions. The tasks I had to complete in order to achieve my target were:

1. Finish front cover of college magazine.

2. Finish Development diary of college front cover.

3. Do a ‘skeleton’ page for the contents page of the magazine.

I had already done most of the front cover last lesson so I didn’t have to do much today. I added in a strapline and a coverline as I felt it was appropriate. My front cover of the college magazine is now complete.

I also managed to complete the ‘skeleton’ contents page. It was the same initial idea’s as the previous skeleton page I created but instead, it is for the contents instead of the front cover. I used rectangles to show where I would place certain things such as the Images or Title. I stuck to the dark green colour so it would match with the front cover.

As I went along with creating the front cover, I was also creating a development diary which consists of a step by step explanation and evaluation of the magazine. I included print screens of everything to help me explain my points.

Development Diary






Production Log 05.10.11

Today, my target today was to demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions.

The tasks I had to do in order to complete my targets were:

1. Practice front cover

2. Do College magazine front cover

3. Start on my development diary.

I did the first task by creating a music/TV programme magazine about ‘Glee’ by using Photoshop.

I then started on my real college magazine front cover by using the skills I had learnt previously from practice covers. Lastly, I started a development diary in which I explained the first steps I had to take to start the cover.

Today, I improved my knowledge of how to use the MAC computers, Photo shop and the general layout of a magazine cover and what it involves. I could improve by making my cover look more professional.

Production Log 28.09.11

Today, my target’s were to demonstrate an understanding of magazine layout conventions. Also, to demonstrate the ability to use specialist software to design a magazine cover.

My tasks were to create a front cover ‘skeleton’ layout and to practice a front cover of a magazine.

I achieved my targets by completing the above tasks. I read through the ‘Adobe Photoshop Basics’ booklet to have more of an understanding of how to use Photoshop as it is alien to me.

I created a front cover ‘skeleton’….

I now know how to use photoshop and the skills/effects to make it look more professional.