Production Log 25.01.12

Today, out targets were:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of primary research techniques.

2. Individual Targets – Writing Skills

Our tasks included:

1. Individual Research

2. Questionnaire, presentations, blog entries.

Today, I finished my magazine questionnaire which enabled me to go around my college and ask my people to complete my questionnaire.To make it easier, I made a separate sheet so I can make a tally instead of writing on the actual sheet. When I had 18 people complete it, I then came back to the MAC computer to create the graphs. I created the graphs and charts on Numbers and managed to get the majority of the questions completed.

Music Magazine Questionnaire

I had trouble with creating the charts as I have never used Numbers before so now I have an extended knowledge which will help me complete this and for the future.

I chose to use pie charts as well as bar graphs so I had a wider variety and it would be easier to understand. After I understood how to use Numbers correctly, it was quite easy to create the rest. Overall, I completed the research and questionnaire so I will complete the presentation at another date.

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