Production Log – 21.09.11

Today, 21st September 2011, I was set a target to ‘Demonstrate an understanding of primary research’. Primary research generally means my own research.

To achieve this target, I had two tasks to carry out. This included the completion of a questionnaire and to analyse two magazines.

The questionnaire involved me using the Mac computers to create my own questionnaire as a research task for my upcoming magazine. I made up twelve questions to ask my fellow peers about what they would expect from the magazine I am making. An example of one of my questions is ‘How much would you be willing to pay for the College magazine? 50p, 70p or £1.00.

College Magazine Questionnaire

I then analysed two college magazines from Google Images.

SMU College Answers

SMU College Answers

I did both of these tasks to develop my research skills, analysis skills including textural analysis and to further knowledge in creating a magazine.

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