Production Log 22.03.13

Targets for todays lesson include:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of film and print-media conventions.

2. Be able to plan for and design own media texts.

3. Individual target – wider reading

Tasks include:

1. Visual research into existing media.

2. Filming, editing, final designs, development diaries.

Today I continued inputting the information into the edit decision list. I decided to write down the information – length of clip, shot type etc – on a separate piece of paper instead of having to switch between the word document and final cut pro. I have almost finished putting this into the word document/table I created.

I also went through my WordPress blog and made sure everything was uploaded correctly and I had not forgotten anything such as using Slideshare or putting in my company logo on my documents. This links in with target 1 for today as using logos and certain formats is conventional for what I am doing and makes it look more professional.

Once I have finished this, next lesson I can start editing my trailer as I have already dragged across the shots I think are good and want to use.


Call Sheets

I did a call sheet for each day I filmed (x2). However, I only used one day to film as we were able to use the location from morning till evening which gave us much more time. I did the second day call sheet as a precaution so I would know what to expect on the second day.

Location Release Form

Talent Release Forms

Production Log 08.03.13

Targets for todays lesson includes being able to plan for my own media texts and to create my own media texts. Also, I need to develop my individual target.

The tasks I need to complete included visual research into existing media, pre-production documents and the creation of media texts such as the film poster and film magazine cover.

Today I uploaded my original images that I have taken in my photo shoot to the MAC computers so I can choose which one I want to use for my poster and magazine cover. I am starting with the creation of the film poster so I chose my image and began editing it on Photoshop. At the same time, I began my development diary which will explain each step of the process such as which tool I used on Photoshop in order to create a certain technique and why I wanted to do this. I need to carry on with the creation of the film poster next lesson.

By doing this, I did some extra research into different techniques such as the smudge tool which I am going to use to create a smoky, blurred effect. I also looked into some conventions of a magazine cover which I will use when I start my front cover.

I have successfully advanced on my knowledge of photoshop as well as making a good start to the poster. From doing research, I have many ideas that I will include next lesson to make my poster look more professional and eerie.

Original Images for Poster and Magazine Front Cover

1   2   3   4   5   6   6   7   8   10   11   12   13   14   100_4398   100_4399   100_4400   100_4402   100_4404   100_4410   100_4409

Photoshoot Plan

I am going to do a photo shoot of the main actress (Amy) in order to use and edit those original images for the film poster and magazine front cover. I decided I only wanted to use Amy for this shoot as she is what the film/trailer is focusing on, whilst the other actors are essentially extras to the story. I chose Amy to be the main actress as she has an innocent look, as well as blonde hair which keeps to traditional horror/scary conventions.

Make-Up –

Her make up will be very subtle, as within the story she is an average, every day girl who would not wear over the top make-up. I will be doing a lot of close up shots as well and I want the audience to be able to read the emotion on her face clearly. I want to keep her make-up like this throughout the whole photo shoot and all filming.  If I want to change anything (facial) then I could perhaps use some editing techniques once I’ve taken the photos in order to make it look more professional such as spot reduction as she is theoretically an actress being shown in a big magazine for an upcoming film – this would essentially be linked with fame.

Hair –

Similarly to make-up, her hair will be average and simple. I want to do it curly as it suits Amy, as well as continuing with the innocent look (compared to straightened hair which could make her look older and more sophisticated). Her hair is blonde which is one of the main reasons I chose her to be the main actress within my trailer (keeping to traditional conventions) I believe this will help with the type of character I want to portray.

Costume –

I looked into the connotations of colour and decided to use white (connotes innocence and purity) for her costume/outfit within the photos for the poster (as it will be showing her character). She will also be wearing either the same outfit as the photo shoot, or something else that is white. However, I want her to be wearing average clothing for other photos which will be used within the magazine cover as it could be showing her as herself rather than her character. Also, I believe it will look unprofessional if she is wearing the same thing in the film poster and the magazine front cover.

Lighting –

For the film poster, I want the pictures to be taken indoors with natural lighting (from the windows) rather than artificial lighting. If I want to change how the image looks, I can do this later on with editing and Photoshop. This is the same for the magazine cover photos also, but I want a few taken outside perhaps (in a forrest location) to make it more interesting and colourful rather than every picture being dull and subtle. I also don’t want to use artificial lighting because I want to create a dark, eerie atmosphere – especially within the poster – as it will portray the film and the trailer. If it was a happy, romantic-comedy, then the photos would be light and colourful, however, this is not the case within my trailer. I can then later on use editing to put in some effects and techniques to create an eerie, mysterious atmosphere from the photos.

Shot-Types –

I want the majority of the photos/images to be close ups or mid shots as I want the audience to see her emotions and reactions (linking in with the lack of make-up used). I also want to use props within some of the images such as tape across her mouth or perhaps a hand covering her mouth so I want that to be seen, rather than doing a long shot, unnecessarily including her body and the ground- I want to focus on her face and emotions. This will be similar within the trailer also as they will be acting and in order to create mystery or make the audience scared, they need to see their reactions in order to understand what is happening.

Influential Images –

Throughout this process, I have done a lot of research into other films with a similar genre as well as images that film has given to the public – via film magazine or film posters etc. From doing this, I have gained some ideas about poses and props (hand and tape for example) to use to create a certain affect. The majority of images I have found and liked, have all got limited makeup and is quite subtle with regards to props and costumes.

hand on glass      apparition    empire     slience of the lambs

Location Scouting Sheet

Production Log 01.03.13

Targets for todays lesson include being able to plan and design own media texts as well as working on my individual target.

The tasks needed to be complete includes visual research into existing media, preproduction documents, filming of videos, print media designs.

Today I finished the risk assessment sheets as well as the site plans and uploaded both to my blog. I also got two of my actors to sign the talent release forms however I still need the location owner and other actor to sign also. I then started on the call sheets which is for the actors as it tells them which scene is which, what props they need, makeup etc. I will print off copies for them and also bring them on the day of filming as extra help. I managed to finish this today and upload this also.

As an extra, I wanted to create a newspaper article that looks old and archaic which shows how a young girl was killed in a cottage fire (the same cottage). I edited some images to make them look old such as black and white due to the time period. I will print this out and crumple it up – this, along with others, will be used in the scene when all the papers are on the bed alongside candles etc. It is the point in the trailer and story where Amy finds out why these strange events are happening. I will then upload this.

Risk Assessment

I have created a table showing potential risks that could injure or affect someone working on this product – either myself, actors or extras. I have also included a set of important numbers that I will need if something happens and we need assistance. There are numbers for the actors as well incase anyone gets lost or do not show up on time. I believe this will help me notify everyone of what could happen and by doing so – decrease any risks. As I am filming in a private location, there will be no traffic or cars (other than the one we are using) that could effect filming or hurt someone.