Category Archives: Production Log

Production Log 22.03.13

Targets for todays lesson include:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of film and print-media conventions.

2. Be able to plan for and design own media texts.

3. Individual target – wider reading

Tasks include:

1. Visual research into existing media.

2. Filming, editing, final designs, development diaries.

Today I continued inputting the information into the edit decision list. I decided to write down the information – length of clip, shot type etc – on a separate piece of paper instead of having to switch between the word document and final cut pro. I have almost finished putting this into the word document/table I created.

I also went through my WordPress blog and made sure everything was uploaded correctly and I had not forgotten anything such as using Slideshare or putting in my company logo on my documents. This links in with target 1 for today as using logos and certain formats is conventional for what I am doing and makes it look more professional.

Once I have finished this, next lesson I can start editing my trailer as I have already dragged across the shots I think are good and want to use.


Production Log 08.03.13

Targets for todays lesson includes being able to plan for my own media texts and to create my own media texts. Also, I need to develop my individual target.

The tasks I need to complete included visual research into existing media, pre-production documents and the creation of media texts such as the film poster and film magazine cover.

Today I uploaded my original images that I have taken in my photo shoot to the MAC computers so I can choose which one I want to use for my poster and magazine cover. I am starting with the creation of the film poster so I chose my image and began editing it on Photoshop. At the same time, I began my development diary which will explain each step of the process such as which tool I used on Photoshop in order to create a certain technique and why I wanted to do this. I need to carry on with the creation of the film poster next lesson.

By doing this, I did some extra research into different techniques such as the smudge tool which I am going to use to create a smoky, blurred effect. I also looked into some conventions of a magazine cover which I will use when I start my front cover.

I have successfully advanced on my knowledge of photoshop as well as making a good start to the poster. From doing research, I have many ideas that I will include next lesson to make my poster look more professional and eerie.

Production Log 01.03.13

Targets for todays lesson include being able to plan and design own media texts as well as working on my individual target.

The tasks needed to be complete includes visual research into existing media, preproduction documents, filming of videos, print media designs.

Today I finished the risk assessment sheets as well as the site plans and uploaded both to my blog. I also got two of my actors to sign the talent release forms however I still need the location owner and other actor to sign also. I then started on the call sheets which is for the actors as it tells them which scene is which, what props they need, makeup etc. I will print off copies for them and also bring them on the day of filming as extra help. I managed to finish this today and upload this also.

As an extra, I wanted to create a newspaper article that looks old and archaic which shows how a young girl was killed in a cottage fire (the same cottage). I edited some images to make them look old such as black and white due to the time period. I will print this out and crumple it up – this, along with others, will be used in the scene when all the papers are on the bed alongside candles etc. It is the point in the trailer and story where Amy finds out why these strange events are happening. I will then upload this.

Production Log 15.02.13

Targets: demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research and planning techniques. Be able to self and peer assess coursework content and work on my individual target.

Tasks: Visual research into existing media texts, pre-production documents, production log.

Today I uploaded all the images I have taken from the location I am going to use (some shown below). I have put them onto the location scouting form and filled out the necessary information.

I also started the site plans and risk assessment today which will be easy as I have already been to look around my location, therefore knowing where the lights are and plug sockets etc. I

 also updated some of my production logs and added extra explanations and links to slideshare to make the viewing easier.


Next lesson I will finish the site plans and continue with the risk assessments.

Production Log 08.02.13

The targets for todays lesson include demonstrating knowledge and understanding of research and planning techniques as well as my individual target of wider reading. The continuous tasks that need to be completed includes pre-production documents, visual research in existing magazines and the production log.

Today I completed the storyboard and the script as I had previously waited in order to do them at the same/similar times so I could make sure all of the correct lines by actors were put down as well as actions in the script. After I had completed the script, I looked through and made all of the actions in italics and made sure I had used appropriate shots angles such as (MS) for mid shot. I then started to put some colour into the storyboard as the pencil was becoming entwined with each other and it was hard to see the trees in the background etc. I also included the text that would be appearing on screen such as “Dread Shed Presents” and “Sometimes a new beginning, could be your end” which is the line used on my magazine front cover also – it is the films main line telling the audience a little about what the story entails. I also looked at the amount of seconds I used for each clip and decided that this is subject to change considering I could have a slight change by the time I actually start filming – however this is a basis for the filming itself. I then scanned the 4 sheets of storyboards on to the computer so I could upload them through WordPress.

After this was complete, I went back to my production schedule and noted down the date I started and finished as well as any changes I have made such as location etc.

Now I have finished the script, storyboard, production company logo and location scouting sheet (as I changed my location and now know all of the details.)

I need to make some changes to the mock up designs for the magazine front cover as well as the poster. I have finished them, but from doing the storyboard, I have extra ideas about the tag lines etc I could put in place of what is there to make it better.

Overall, now I have completed the majority of tasks I have been working on, I can now start the site plans next lesson. I have already taken photos of my location as well as the gravel road leading up to the cottage, the rooms I will be using inside and also some props such as the old key. I now need to upload them to the computer and post them.

Production Log 01.02.13

Targets for todays lesson includes demonstrating a knowledge and understanding of planning techniques. I also worked on my individual target which is wider reading.

Tasks needed to be complete over the next week include designing of preproduction documentation, research into existing media and production log explaining my findings.

Today I carried on with my script. I made some changes regarding location as I found a more accessible and better suited location for the trailer. It is a private cottage about 20 minutes away (my Uncle’s house) which has a gravel road leading down to t surrounded by trees. I can got here in the day time and the use of trees and large fields will be scary at night.

I also printed off the location scouting sheets so I can find all of the details and finish it at home. I also printed off the talent release forms so i can hand it to my three actors and get them to sign it for consent of all rights such as the video to be in my name and for my use for Media Studies.

I also carried on drawing my storyboard whilst looking back at my script which really helped. As I have already been to my Uncles house, I already know where things are and what the environment looks like so I can picture where people will be standing etc. I only have a few more slides to draw out and my storyboard will be finished.

Developing on my personal target as well as tasks for today (looking into existing media) I looked at previous horror/supernatural trailers so I could gain inspiration but I also looked at templates and examples of storyboards, scripts and location drawings so I know what I have to include such as using INT. and EXT. for internal and external in my script.

Overall, now I now know my location, I have a better understanding to complete my work. I can carry on finishing the script next lesson whilst making it look as professional as possible such as font, using particular shot angles (CU, MS) etc.

Production Log 29.01.13

Todays targets include demonstrating knowledge and understanding of planning techniques. The tasks include design pre-production documents and visual research into existing media. My individual target is wider reading.

Today I added some extra techniques to my mock up poster as I had a sudden thought to change it. It is now finished and needs to be uploaded for next lesson as well as the magazine cover mock up.

I also looked into my location today as well as location scouting forms etc, I have now found my perfect location at my Uncles cottage in the middle of a field, it has forests and long gravel roads surrounding it. I have gotten permission to film there. I also spoke to my main actress about when I want to start filming, where and the kind of atmosphere I want to create.

I need to upload both my mock up designs and finish my script which is almost finished. I had to change the previous script due to change of location but it is simple to change around. This will be completed next lesson.

My logo is also now finished, I had trouble coming up with a name with character. However, i looked into the thesaurus and synonyms for words such as horror or fear and came up with ‘Dread Shed’ and used a roof above it in order to play on the word ‘shed’. I took influence from production companies such as ‘haunted house’ and ‘dark castle’.

Overall, I worked well today as  I got a lot of tasks completed, I now need to upload them next lesson and explain my thinking and theory behind it.

Production Log 08.01.13

Todays targets include demonstrating knowledge and understanding of planning techniques. I then also carried on with developing my individual target of wider reading.

The tasks needed to be completed include individual research, pre-production documents such as the treatment, budget, script and storyboard, as well as the production log.

Today,  as I have already finished the treatment, I carried on with the budget which is almost finished – both to be uploaded next lesson. I also had a look at the script and planned out how I was going to complete this for next lesson also.

Due to completing these tasks, I did not manage to do as much research as I would have normally done – which includes my individual target. However, I made sure my budget was correct and kept links of each site I had found.

Production Log 04.01.13

Targets for todays lesson 04.01.13 include demonstrating a knowledge and understanding of planning techniques as well as my individual target.

The tasks needed to be completed include individual research (ongoing), pre production documents (such as treatment, budget, script) and the production log.

I started todays lesson by firstly looking at what needed to be completed which was the production schedule by adding in certain dates and who will be doing certain tasks for example. I then started the ‘treatment’ which is a word document allowing me to explain and propose my movie/trailer. In this I included my target audience, purpose for the film etc. I explained into a lot of detail so that people know I know exactly what I want to create and exactly the reasons in which why I want too also. Once all of these questions were completed, I moved onto my budget in which I inputted prices for certain jobs such as the camera man. I spent a while doing research so that I could look into which types of cameras and varying prices – I also noted down the websites I was looking at. I also added this to the schedule with todays date.

By doing extra research about pre production, I was able to develop my individual target (wider reading) by looking further in depth rather than just stating the obvious.

I worked well on research as well explaining in depth within the treatment about many aspects – especially my information/blurb about the plot of the film.

However, I could have improved my individual target even further as I could have looked at some text books for different information, rather than just the internet.

Production Log 14.12.12

The targets for todays lesson includes being able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of planning techniques. We also have to enhance and develop our individual target which is wider reading.

The tasks I am currently working on include my individual research as well as ‘skeleton layouts’ and ‘mock up’ designs (with explanations).

As I have already finished my skeleton layouts, I carried on with conducting individual research – which also works on my individual target – and my mock up designs. I started with checking there was not any more I could add to my skeleton layouts before saying they are completely finished. Then I moved on doing online research as well ad looking through textbooks and magazines in order to look at examples of film posters (especially those within my genre) as well as magazine front covers. I noticed there was a niche in the market online, for horror/supernatural film (magazine) front covers. Many magazine covers mainly focused on comedy or thriller films such as “Sherlock Holmes’.

From doing this research, I found an image of an eye with a black mark in the pupil which looked like a skull. I saved this picture in order to come back to it at another time as it could be a useful and effective technique to use on one of my own images when editing it.

I then started on my mock up design – firstly of the film poster. I have an idea – influenced by The Possession poster – where the white background had a black fading effect from the bottom upwards. This made me think of a hidden meaning, as if the evil was over taking the purity within etc. I started off with a black background and looked at different gradients in order to do this, however, I have not found the correct one so I will carry on this research further next lesson. I found an image from the internet of a young girl who is of the same age as my (will be) actress. I then included some of the text and chose a suitable font which is bold and suits the genre. I made the text white in order to stand out against the current dark background. I then made the release date and ‘Based on a true story’ in a dark red colour which was also influenced from The Possession poster as it stood out, caught the readers eye, showed important information and connotes blood/danger.

Next lesson, I will carry on looking at different ways to create a mist and change of colour on the background and start on the mock up of the magazine front cover -whilst keeping in mind my skeleton layouts to help me.