Category Archives: Construction

“The Swarm” Film Trailer and Development Diary

Magazine Cover with Development Diary

mag front cov NEW












Once this process was complete, I looked back and found that although the name of the magazine was chosen by other class members, it did not fit the genre and platform correctly. However, as many people agreed that it was a good name, I have added ‘film’ within the ‘D’ of ‘Digital’ to make it a film magazine. I used a bold black, impact font to fit in with the current house style put through all products.

I liked the text used such as “Flashback to 80s horror” etc, however, the text underneath explaining the cover lines was dull and didn’t stand out. I changed the text underneath to a white colour (to keep in with the house style of red, white, yellow and black) and made all of the text bold. It now creates an effective contrast and stands out.

Film Poster with Development Diary

poster NEW


Due to audience feedback, I went back to the poster I created and changed certain elements that the audience disliked or thought was a weakness. For example, the cover line for the trailer “Sometimes a new beginning could be your end” was changed from white to red. I also made the text two sized bigger. Looking at it now I agree with the feedback given as it is easier to read and see, especially if thinking about where people would be viewing it (walking past it or on the side of a bus for example).

Another change is the logos at the bottom of the poster. I changed the simple ‘Lionsgate’ text to the entire Lionsgate logo (using a red and black version of the logo as it is in keeping with my house style and dark genre). I then moved it to the bottom right, next to the Dread Shed logo as it looked more professional. The Dread Shed logo had the white background between the spaces in the text which made it look amateur so I went back to Photoshop and used the Quick Select tool and clicked the sections I wanted to cut.