Author Archive: lucyannerichardson

Initial Idea’s

I am designing a College Magazine so I need to get a few idea’s together before I start. Initial Idea’s for my upcoming magazine could include Title, prize’s, coverlines, main  image, target audience, font, colours and information.

For my title, I have come up with ‘College Weekly’, ‘College’, ‘Student Weekly’ or ‘WestVic Weekly’. The reason’s for my choices is because I want the magazine to appeal to the reader so that they will be more encouraged to buy and read it.

A few Coverlines I have come up with include: ‘Want an A*? Here’s how to get it!’ This appeals to the target audience because they have come to college to study and eventually take their exams. Even if they don’t believe they can get an A*; they’ll certainly try. Another one could be ‘Ways to balance work, studies and a social life!’. I think this is a really good coverline as the students reading the front page are most certainly dealing with this problem and reading the article could help.

I think the font and colour of the front page is quite important as it is the first thing the audience views. If you want it to appeal to girls, you use a stereotypical girl colour such as pink and the same with boys…blue. I personally want the magazine to appeal to both sexes so I will use natural, neutral colours. The same applies to font, so I’ve chosen to use a unisex font such as Arial.

The main image of the front cover obviously has show the college environment or college students. My idea for the main image is a college student holding a book or a set of folders, a group of friends sitting in college (naturalistic photo, not posing) or just a few books with a piece of paper on it saying ‘A*’ in red – to look like the teacher has just marked someone’s work.

A way to get students to buy the magazine is to make them think they’re getting a little bit extra such as a free give away. This could be something small, from a canteen voucher to a ticket to see a local gig.

The main thing I have to think about is my target audience. Who will it be? This was quite easy to decide because it’s a magazine about College! The readers will obviously be students who attend college. Possibly, 16 – 19 year olds.

Information is key to a front page of a magazine. How much will it be? When does the next one come out? I’ve decided to sell the magazine in the Canteen of the college for 60 pence. This allows the student to gain easy access to purchasing it. It also allows allows them to buy it because its quite cheap.

These are just a few, main initial ideas for the front cover of the magazine. Enjoy!



Target’s 14/09/11

My target for today is to understand how to use a Mac computer correctly. I can do this by using Mac tools such as Safari, Photoshop and Pages.


Test Document